The Miniature's first Miniatures

Took some time off work over the last week, partly for myself, but also to give the other half a break from constant requests to play with the (now quite big) miniature!

Anyway, one of the things that she was adamant she wanted, was that I should spend some time on my painting (bless her), but also that she would like to have a go.  So I had a cast around for something she might be able to attempt that was chunky without too much complicated detail, and found a handful of plastic GW Skaven that I'd picked up for next to nothing on a market stall ages back, already undercoated.

We chatted about colour choices, and how to look after brushes, then did one each, stage by stage (she chose the colours, with the occasional nudge towards ones that would cover well in just one coat).  Just block colours, then a wash of GW's Agrax Earthshade (no highlighting this time).

Here's the results:

Can you guess which was mine and which was a five year old's?

Yep, hers is on the left, mine on the right.  I was impressed with her colour choices and brush handling (okay, so I did the eyes, teeth and pendant, and she let me tidy up in one or two places, but it was mostly her).  A slight tendency to overload the brush with paint, but she was really patient, and listened to advice.

A success I think, and she seems keen to try again - says she'd like to do a goblin, as green is her favourite colour!

A while back she had also requested that I make and paint a knight just for her, which I finally got around to.  She chose the parts for him from my bits box (all GW Empire knight parts) and they were her colour choices.  She wanted me to replicate the blue armour we'd seen on a knight at the jousting at Bolsover Castle, which I attempted with blue washes.  Not sure it worked, one to work on I think.

So here he is, Rosa's Blue Knight.

She was chuffed to bits with it, and says she'd like to do one for me to say thank you!


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